Buying Vinyl Records From Turkey

Where to buy vinyl records in Turkey? What is the best record store in Istanbul? Where to find Turkish records for sale? What is the best Turkish website to buy music CDs and vinyl records? How to ship vinyl records from Turkey? How to purchase CDs, tapes, DVDs, Bluray discs, and LPs in Istanbul? What is the cheapest record store in Turkey? Where to find exclusive records in Istanbul? Can I get vinyl records online from Turkey?
If you are asking one of these questions, you are in the right place. We always welcome international customers from all over the world and help them to meet their needs. Our physical store in Besiktas (Moya Plak) is a great place to dig vinyl records if you visit Istanbul for a holiday. You can also find tons of CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, and even cassette tapes! Our website ( may not quote a shipping price if you do not enter a Turkish address, but don't worry! We always ship internationally or help you get your order through other options (mail forwarding, third-party carriers, etc.). You just need to contact us via Whatsapp (+905339306095) or email (info@moyaplakcom). We weigh your order and offer you the best price/option to ship. Haven't you found something on our website? Another store has something you want for a high price? We are still "your man" for those items as well. There are many more records in our stock or it could be possible to get them from our suppliers. If you are a record store owner or buy in bulk, you can ask for a list of available items to order.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us!
از کجا در ترکیه صفحات وینیل بخریم؟ بهترین فروشگاه ضبط در استانبول کدام است؟ از کجا می توان رکوردهای ترکی را برای فروش پیدا کرد؟ بهترین وب سایت ترکی برای خرید سی دی موسیقی و صفحات وینیل چیست؟ چگونه صفحات وینیل را از ترکیه ارسال کنیم؟ چگونه سی دی، نوار، دی وی دی، دیسک Bluray و LP را در استانبول خریداری کنیم؟ ارزان ترین فروشگاه موسیقی ترکیه کدام است؟ از کجا می توان رکوردهای منحصر به فرد را در استانبول پیدا کرد؟ آیا می توانم صفحات وینیل را به صورت آنلاین از ترکیه دریافت کنم؟
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